Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Performance Season - almost over!

Incredible summer of performances, but (thankfully, perhaps) it is almost over. One of the highlights was playing at the Currents New Media Festival, where I performed in two pieces: one as visualist for Andrew Pask and Janet Feder, and one as musician/visualist with Andrew Pask. Both were incredible, and the duet with Pask allowed me to introduce my modular foolishness to a new crowd. The response was fantastic, and I appreciate the guiding hands of Mariannah Amster and Frank Ragano for making the Currents festival a magnificent place, and to Paul and Kitty for sharing their home with us douring our visit to Santa Fe. An incredible time, and I met so many incredible people. Thank you all!

(The picture was take by Janet as I was trying to get the lighting right for my area of the stage - and attempting not to fall off said stage...)


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